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LL.M. online | ÚPPV

Study LL.M. online at ÚPPV in a professional program


Educational program focused on commercial law, administrative law and commercial law.


Bachelor of Laws

1st level of study – independent educational program. He is preparing for the major LL.M.

More about LL.B.


Master of Laws

2nd level of study – a specialized educational program for seniors, directors, lawyers, entrepreneurs and public administration employees.

More about LL.M.


Doctor of Laws

3rd degree – It is focused on scientific study and comprehensive research in the chosen legal or associate area.

More about LL.D.

Bachelor of Laws - LL.B.

Master of Laws - LL.M.

Doctor of Laws - LL.D.

What the students said about us

Educational program

Who is it for?

The target group of the COMMERCIAL LAW program are practicing lawyers of all legal professions with an interest in business and commercial law.

However, the COMMERCIAL LAW program can also be studied by applicants without previous legal education , business managers and others who are interested in gaining a greater overview or working in the field of commercial law.

Upon completion of your studies, you will earn the degrees LL.B., LL.M. or LL.D.

The LL.M. with us you can do it

Don’t worry, graduate from LL.B., LL.M. and LL.D. with us you can do it.
And if not, WE WILL RETURN YOUR MONEY. And that’s fair, isn’t it?

Benefits of studying a commercial law program

Why study LL.B., LL.M. and LL.D. at ÚPPV

Študium komerčného práva na ÚPPV

Education without worries

The LL.M. and other professional titles at ÚPPV. We guarantee that.

At your own pace

Study whenever you have free time. You decide the pace yourself.

Completely online

The LL.M. and other departments takes place online. All you need is a laptop with internet.

About LL.B., LL.M. and LL.D.

How will you study at ÚPPV

The study of commercial law is carried out in the distance form – or a combination of the study itself and lectures and meetings.

The duration of the study is individual , it is determined by each student according to his workload. It is important that he / she fulfills all the conditions specified in the methodological instructions during the study, so that he / she can proceed to the final test and thus complete the study.

The ÚPPV teaches in Slovak, or in combination with the English language.


Register. Then we will send you an application and a contract. Once completed, you will receive a study plan, scripts, individual modules and methodological instructions.

The study

You study at home or in the office. Online. At your pace. Once in a while you will meet the lecturer at a lecture or lecturer meeting.

An exam

The study is completed by a final exam and a final thesis connected with the defense.


At the end, you will receive a diploma of successful completion of the program and the relevant professional degree.


Do you want to talk to us?
Call us from 9 am to 5 pm.

Register for LL.B., LL.M. or LL.D

The Institute of Law and Vocational Education (ÚPPV) is an educational institute in Slovakia that focuses on research and teaching in a wide range of social areas and in addition to scientific and pedagogical activities, the institute works closely with Slovak and European educational institutions, judicial authorities and various state or private institutions.

About the School